Whilst chatting on the #minecraft channel on freenode, somebody comes out with:
<Dinnerbone> I love that 50% of thursdays are odd-numbered days <Dinnerbone> Makes the near-end-of-week that much more interesting
Which got me thinking... Are 50% of Thursdays on odd-numbered days? Probably not, at least not in every year. Some hacky Python code ensues...
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import datetime
from collections import defaultdict
def generate_year(year):
delta = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
date = datetime.date(year, 1, 1)
while date.year == year:
yield date
date = date + delta
day_numbers = defaultdict(list)
for date in generate_year(int(sys.argv[1])):
day_odd_prob = {}
for day, nums in day_numbers.items():
odd = 0
even = 0
for n in nums:
if n % 2 == 0:
even += 1
odd += 1
day_odd_prob[day] = odd / (odd + even)
DAYS = ('Mon', 'Tues', 'Wed', 'Thurs', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun')
for day in sorted(day_odd_prob.keys()):
print('{}\t{}'.format(DAYS[day-1], day_odd_prob[day]))
Now if for some bizarre reason you really want to know what proportion of Thursdays (or any other day) fall on odd-numbered days in any given year, you can find out:
$ python3 odd_days.py 2012 Mon 0.49056603773584906 Tues 0.5192307692307693 Wed 0.4807692307692308 Thurs 0.5192307692307693 Fri 0.5 Sat 0.5 Sun 0.5094339622641509 $ python3 odd_days.py 2013 Mon 0.5 Tues 0.49056603773584906 Wed 0.5192307692307693 Thurs 0.5 Fri 0.5192307692307693 Sat 0.5 Sun 0.5